Foot specialist in Strood

What does a foot doctor do? Foot specialist in Strood & Sidcup

If you\’ve ever been hobbled by foot pain, you know just how much it can disrupt your life. Paul Miller is a Foot specialist in Strood that can help you with any issues you might be facing with your feet. But what kind of doctor should you see? A podiatrist is basically a foot doctor, Paul Miller has been helping people with their foot issues for nearly 20 years. If you want to get in touch make an appointment today, get in touch here. 


What is a podiatrist? Foot specialist in Strood

A podiatrist is a foot doctor. Foot doctors are also called chiropodists, and they treat problems with the feet and ankles of adults, children, and babies. Podiatrists treat injured or infected toes and nails, corns or calluses on the bottom of your feet, bunions (bumps on your big toe joint), hammertoes (curves in the middle joints that bend down), ingrown toenails (toenails growing into the skin) and athlete\’s foot. They may also help patients who have diabetes or other conditions that affect their feet by checking for signs of nerve damage in the feet every year.

What\’s the difference between a chiropodist and a podiatrist? Read this post.

What do they treat?

  • Foot pain: The most common reason to see a foot doctor is for foot pain. They treat injuries, including heel pain, sports injuries, foot deformities (bunions), hammer toes and plantar fasciitis (the inflammation of the connective tissue in the sole of the foot).
  • Heel pain: If you have chronic heel pain, you should see your doctor as soon as possible.
  • Sports injuries: A visit to the podiatrist may be necessary if you have recently suffered an injury while playing sports or exercising.
  • Foot swelling and numbness: If you feel like something is wrong with your feet, it\’s important to get checked out by a professional right away.
  • Foot wounds: If you are suffering from any type of wound on the bottom of your foot, it will benefit from being looked at by a podiatrist immediately so that they can determine what needs to be done in order for healing processes to occur more quickly and effectively than if left untreated for too long before seeking medical attention (which could end up having longer-lasting effects).
  • Toenail fungus: If you have a fungal infection, a podiatrist can help. Pain in the heel: Chronic foot pain can be caused by many things ranging from ingrown toenails to diabetes.
  • Athlete\’s foot. This fungal infection spreads easily through shared towels or shoes. It can appear on fingers as well as toes — but is most commonly found between toes or on soles of feet to cause itching and redness.
  • Diabetic neuropathy — a chronic nerve disorder that causes numbness or pain in your hands or feet because blood vessels have narrowed from diabetes damage.

Infections, including athlete\’s foot and bacterial infections of the skin or nails. Skin conditions such as psoriasis, calluses and corns. Bunions — a painful deformity in which a bone on the big toe moves out of place, causing pain when you walk or stand.

If you have these symptoms, it\’s important to see a podiatrist as soon as possible. A foot surgeon can diagnose your condition and recommend treatment options. Foot specialist in Strood. Get in touch with Paul Miller Foot specialists in Strood.


What conditions can a podiatrist diagnose?

A podiatrist is a foot doctor, and they can diagnose and treat many different foot conditions.

  • Foot pain and injuries—Foot pain is a common condition that affects nearly everyone at some point in their lives. Podiatrists can diagnose the cause of your foot pain or injury and recommend treatment options to help you get back on your feet again quickly.
  • Heel pain—Heel pain occurs in the heel bone (calcaneus), which connects directly to your Achilles tendon and runs through your calf muscle all the way down to your toes. It\’s possible for this area of bone to become inflamed or irritated due to excessive pressure from standing all day, wearing shoes that do not fit properly, walking barefoot on hard surfaces like concrete slabs outside etc., leading up until serious damage develops over time leading up into greater discomfort than just \”heel soreness\”. If left untreated this condition could lead into developing arthritis which would eventually require surgery if severe enough since there would be little else left available other than surgery at this point since it has become chronic by then.\”
  • Sports injuries—Sports injuries are common among athletes who participate regularly such as runners who sustain sprains or stress fractures during high impact activities such as running long distances without proper support beneath them while wearing quality footwear.\”

If you are looking for some extra information about foot pain then the NHS website is always a good place to start. They provide valuable information about many of the conditions you might be facing. Click here to find out more. 

How do you know if you need to see a podiatrist?

A podiatrist can help you with a wide variety of foot conditions, including:

  • Foot pain. A podiatrist will evaluate the structure and function of your feet and ankles to determine whether there is an underlying cause for the pain and discomfort. In some cases, they may prescribe shoes or inserts to provide additional support or cushioning.
  • Foot injuries. Whether it’s a sprained ankle or broken toe, a podiatrist will assess your injury to determine what treatment options are best suited to help you heal quickly and safely. They may recommend wearing special shoes or braces after surgery or having physical therapy sessions if other treatments have not worked well enough on their own (they should always be combined with medication).
  • Foot conditions such as bunions, hammertoes, ingrown nail issues like atypical corns and calluses—anything that affects the way your toes look or move around in shoes/boots etc.. This is especially important when considering which type of footwear might be most comfortable for someone who has these kinds of issues—for example rubber soles would work well against friction abrasions but would probably show more wear over time compared with canvas uppers which require less maintenance but offer less protection against things like rocks sticking out from between cracks in concrete sidewalks etc., so finding the right balance between style vs comfort is crucial here!

Tips from a professional Podiatrist to look after your feet


Are foot doctors covered by health insurance?

Foot doctors are covered by health insurance. They can help you get back to your normal activities and prevent future problems. Many foot doctors also specialize in treating different areas of the body, including ankles, knees and ankles. Some conditions that may be treated by a foot doctor include:

  • Chronic pain in the feet or legs (such as plantar fasciitis)
  • Injuries to the bones in the feet (such as fractures)

It can be very important for athletes to get the proper foot care, a foot injury can change the life of someone whose career is directly involved in sports. So if you are a sports person then a reliable podiatrist and foot specialist in Strood can make a big difference. Read more about sports podiatry here.

A podiatrist can help with foot pain and injuries.

A podiatrist can help with foot pain and injuries. Podiatrists are trained to diagnose and treat conditions of the foot, ankle and lower extremities. They have advanced training in the diagnosis and non-surgical treatment of common foot problems such as bunions, heel pain, hammertoes, ingrown toenails and skin conditions.

Podiatrists also have extensive knowledge about sports medicine as it relates to the human body’s ability to perform during exercise or sports participation. A podiatric physician is typically consulted by athletes prior to their participation in a sporting event for injury prevention advice or treatment for an acute injury that has occurred during a game or practice session.

If you suffer from chronic lower limb pain caused by flat feet then visit our website at www[dot]dixiefootcare[dot]com


Paul Miller is a Foot specialist in Strood so if you have any questions about what a podiatrist does, or if you need help finding one in your area, we’d love to help! You can reach us at any time by phone or email. Find this information on our contact page today.